Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to this beautiful lady. The women who taught me right from wrong. Who taught me that it is better to be kind to people than be mean. That it's OK to have feelings and to cry. That it's OK to get mad and angry, but to not take it out on other people. She taught me to find the beauty in people and to do my best everyday. With my little one on the way, I think back on all her lessons and all the things she did for Kara and I and I can only hope to be as wonderful to my MM as she was to me. She was always there for me, always lifting me up, always allowing me to cry on her shoulder, always defending me, always singing me her song "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy, when sky's are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away" 

Mom- words cant even begin to describe how beautiful you are to me. Inside and out. I've actually known how pretty you were since I was 2 years old and would sit in the bathroom with you and watch you put on makeup. You never meet a stranger, you always have a kind word to say and you are always up for sharing a glass of wine with me (12 more weeks!). You are a wonderful wife, a perfect mother, a loving mother in law, and an even better Mimi. You don't mind getting made fun of and you even laugh at yourself. You deserve a Happy Mother's Day everyday! I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Love--Your sunshine, your baby

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