Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Aqua Tots (take one)

Today we had our first swim lesson. To say it was easy or that Brody listened well, I just won't because none of that happened. 

Brody is super independent and likes to do things on his own so he doesn't understand that in water, it isn't the same. That 30 minute class felt like forever. Luckily, Aqua Tots allows your first class to be an evaluation class so if they don't like it, you aren't out any money. Which I am so thankful for. I don't have any photos from the actual class since I was in the water with him but I was able to snap a few before we went in. That baby speedo just kills me! 

Bobby and I have decided that we are going to wait a few more months, like April to join. Give Brody a few more months of growing and understanding. I think once he understands his boundaries, it will be better. He is still just too young right now and him and I were both worn out from fighting each other. 

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