Thursday, November 10, 2016

Brody's first night of Trick or Treating

Dear Diary,

Last Monday, Halloween, Brody and I started our day by going to see my grandparents in Irving, my Grammy and Granddaddy. I love my G&G to no end. They have always been supportive my whole life. They are the grandparents who came to everything and rooted for you. They saw every softball game they could, every dance recital they could and always made sure you were loved. So it is very important to me that Brody know them. I have been a stay at home mom since mid-August now and this is my first time taking him, bad on my part. But I have started something inside me and now I plan on taking him on the Monday's that I can. He loved them and Duke their weenie dog. Brody loves dogs period but Duke made him laugh and played with him. 

After G&G's, we came home and had lunch and then had a long nap! After nap, we waited on Daddy to get home so we could set up for Trick or Treating. I love my neighborhood. It is behind a gate and there aren't that many houses on the street and it is just safe. We also know the neighbors down at my end so I felt comfortable taking Brody there. We got him dressed and decided to head out a little early before all the big kids came out. We went to 5 houses and let him pick out the candy. Then we came back home and handed out candy. I think he liked handing out candy better than going to get candy cause he could see all the kids and see all the costumes and all the little girls just loved the lion cub standing in the doorway. He is for sure a ladies man! 

I never could image how fun it is for a parent to go trick or treating. Being a kid and getting to get free candy was such a joy and my parents let Kara and I get as much as we wanted. I hope I am the same way. It does make me more cautious now that I am a parent and who gives my kid candy because seriously...anyone can do anything to candy and that scares me a tad. But I love my street, I love my neighbors and I love these 2 even more! 

Love, Me

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