Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mighty Mouse's Baby Shower

Dear Diary,

What a weekend! I had my baby shower on Saturday and boy...did I/he receive a lot of good things! I don't want to bore you with photos of me opening gifts, it's the same thing over and over again as far as me opening but there are a few pics I got I would love to share with you. 

The food! My sister made her famous cheese dip and Angie got me gluten free cake. And all around the place, they had Converse set up for him to have. Kristen got all the clip on bow-ties you see on the shirts. There was a diaper station for people to sign and I am so excited to go through them. Julie did the diaper cake (which looks amazing!) and Becca had one of my favorite photos from our photo shoot printed out and displayed for me. 

My gorgeous hostess. One should not have this many pretty friends. My Aunt Karen asked me if I only surround myself with pretty people because she never had met such a group of women that were this pretty. I take great pride in my girls, rather they are pretty or not, because they all have such amazing hearts and are so kind and good and all love the Lord like I do. 

From left to right....Becca Egger, Angie Talbet, Jasmine Elias, Kara Smith, Myself, Kristen Lewis, Julie Cordova and Tiffany Craig

So one thing about me that you may not know is I HATE being the center of attention. This is why I grew up with a sister who loves it, married a man who loves it and have 2 sister-in-laws that love it. And they ALL know I hate it. When I am on my blog, I love it. This is the real me. But in person, I am the observer. The one behind the camera. The quiet one in the back that will chime in when I really feel the need. The one who has bitch face in the corner but it's because I have awful eyes so I squint. I don't need or crave the attention. So for me to be the focus Saturday night was just off for me but I did OK. 

I also had a wonderful helper to open the gifts with me. Landry Kate Smith was never to far from my side. I don't mind at all. 

I got a few gifts that I will be sharing in a blog of their own because they are worth a blog of their own. Look for that either next week or the following! 

Thank you to everyone who came out for it and thank you Karen for taking the photos for me. It amazes me all the love this little baby already has, and he hasn't even graced us with his presence. It is such an overwhelming experience and to be surrounded by so much love, just proves to me that God does in deed love me. 

To all my girls, thank you again for it all. It was just gorgeous and I couldn't be more blessed by y'all. I can't wait for Mighty Mouse to meet you. 

Love, Me 

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