Wednesday, March 22, 2017

National Water Day

Today is National Water Day. 

You may not realize how little drinking water we actually have in this world. In the US, we have more benefits on how we get our water. But in every other country, water is like gold. And a lot of people actually die due to lack of water. Something so simple as water, can kill you if you don't have enough. It's a fact that 1.5 million children die every year due to water related illness. 

I have found this great Non-Profit Organization called Drop4Drop and they believe that everyone, everywhere has the right to clean water. I highly agree. 

Their website says this about them "Drop4drop funds sustainable clean water solutions to countries that need it most. We demand accountable, effective and efficient provision of clean water.

How do we achieve this? We employ local labourers and heavily involve the community in the project creating a sense of ownership and pride. We also provide maintenance training and hygiene education to ensure maximum longevity. Every project we undertake provides clean water to a community of over 1000 people who have never before had this privilege."

Consider donating. As little as $3 can give someone drinking water. Instead of your second Starbucks run (I understand the need for coffee) donate that $3 to someone who needs it to live. Who shouldn't have to walk miles just to get clean water. 

I am not donating to be flashy.
I am not donating to be showy.
I am not donating to shove it in people's face. 

I AM donating because if I can give water to just one child, if my small donation can support someone, that's what matters. That's what's important. Giving back. One small gesture can mean more to someone than we know. 

This is not a paid advertisement. I am not given anything in return for my promotion. I solely decide who I support. 

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