Monday, November 6, 2017

The Walking Dead Monday

Reviewing: TWD: Season 8: Episode 3: Monsters

SPOILERS AHEAD. Some of the bullet points might give things away so please STOP reading if you don't want to know anything. Today's bullet points are little all over the place and in no particular order to the show. 

  • Poor Aaron had to say good-bye to his boyfriend Eric. Eric had gotten shot in last weeks episode and with no medical help, there was no way he could survive. That was a sad scene. And now Aaron is in the same category of losing a loved one by The Saviors. When he manages to get back to the group, they have won. 
  • While Jesus, Morgan, Tara and the others have The Saviors marching them back to Hilltop, a group of zombies attack. The Saviors manage to escape but Morgan ends up tracking them down in the woods. Before they can escape again, Morgan shoots one in the head as a warning to the rest. Before he can shoot another, Jesus steps in. They proceed to have a dance war and Jesus ends up winning and Morgan walks away. 
  • Gregory manages to find his way to Hilltop and God only knows why, but Maggie lets him stay. 
  • Jesus and crew make it back to Hilltop and Maggie agrees to keep The Saviors locked up, as much as Gregory says no. 
  • Last week's episode had Rick being held gunpoint by Morales. When we pick up with them, Morales calls Rick a monster and tells him that he was instructed by Negan to not kill him, "the widow" or "the king". Morales makes a point to say that him and Rick are no different than each other. That if Rick had the gun, he would be doing to same thing. 
  • Before Rick could do anything, Daryl walks in and puts an arrow straight through Morales head. 
  • King and Carol are still on opposite ends of the spectrum. He is trying to convince Carol of the good in the world where Carol just sees the bad. Just when I felt like Carol was moving towards King E's way, they get bombarded at a compound they were sweeping for Saviors and King E looses some of his members who were protecting him. They pile on top of him to save him and get sprayed with bullets. That was also a sad scene to watch.
  • Aaron volunteers to watch over the little girl Rick found. Ok, not found. Kidnapped from last weeks episode since he killed her father. Aaron later breaks down cause he see's a zombie Eric stumbling off with his zombie friends. 

Thoughts along the way: 

  • What are they going to do with the prisoners? Are they going to feed them? Make them stand trail and go to a jail that doesn't exist? I understand how they are not trying to kill those who surrender (even though Daryl does after Rick tells a guy they won't for information) but they are not really thinking through this prisoner ordeal.  
  • Felt weird to bring someone back after all these years (Morales) to just kill him quickly. I know it was to bring light to what Rick is becoming, but still. Would have loved to see more of those two together and the dialogue. 
  • What will come of King E now and his way of thinking? Also his followers. They have put so much faith in him, will this hurt them? 
  • This whole episode felt like they were trying to give people choices along the way. Choosing right from wrong. But who really sets right from wrong in The Walking Dead world. It's about morality and trying to not be like Negan. 
  • WHERE IS NEGAN? And Gabriel. I want that story back. 

Where does it go now?

  • Who knows! Your guess is as good as mine. 

Feel free to leave your comments, thoughts and or ideas on this episode or where you think it might go. 

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