Welcome to the weekly pregnancy update. I did this with Brody and loved it. I answered a lot of questions with Brody so I narrowed it down to my favorites this time since I didn't see the need to tell you if my belly button is in each week or if I am in maternity clothes. I will include that in pregnancy symptoms if something dramatic happens. I had the pups in the pictures when I was pregnant with Brody but it was too hard to try to get all 3 of them with me so this time around it will just be Brody with me.
How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain? None. I am the same weight I was when I went in for my 9 week appointment. I had been sick so that's why the no weight gain and the food aversions have been much more awful this go around so I didn't eat much till about 13 weeks.
Sleeping? In an inclined position on the couch. It's just where I am most comfortable and that's all that matters at the moment. My blood pressure is different this go around so to lay flat cause my face to get red so I have to be inclined a tad to sleep comfy.
Best or worst moment this week? Best: Everyone at the gym finally knowing I am pregnant. It has been such a secret for so long that it was nice to walk in to the gym and everyone know. As far as worst goes, nothing to be honest. My skin maybe but that's going on 2 weeks now so it's not a "new" thing this week.
Do I miss anything? Wine. Non pregnancy skin (it's an issue I will discuss next week because it's worth it's own blog on what happened to me last week).
Cravings? Sweets/Sugar. If it is cake, cupcakes, candy, chocolate, dessert type stuff...just hand it over and walk away.
Aversions? Meat. Which helps since I am 90% vegetarian anyways. I am finding I have a lot more aversions this time around. Besides meat, I can't think of things specifically, it's just at the time I go to eat and I look at everything and walk away. I have been also avoiding spicy food and not because I don't want it, but because it burns my lips and then I get heartburn. I am telling y'all...this baby is taking me for all I got!
Pregnancy symptoms? All of them. This time around has been worse for me. I've been sick, my hormones are all over the place, my skin is awful. I know I am chasing a 2 year old as well but I feel more tired. My doctor upped my thyroid medicine to see if that helps and I can tell a small difference.
Looking forward to? Finding out the gender. It's all I think about. My gut tells me it's a girl but I am sure I am 50% right :-) But another boy would be just as wonderful!
Gender? Find out Jan. 11
Name? Have to find out sex first but we have a girl name already and I believe we have 2 boy names we like. Which is so much farther along than with Brody cause that kiddo wasn't named till an hour before we had him!
Due date? May 24, 2018. I will have a c-section again so I will get to chose a date but that won't be till about 8 weeks ahead of it's due date.