Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Couple Shower

On Sunday, Jeff and Becca Egger and Bobby and I threw our good friends, David and Jasmine, a couple shower. David and Jasmine are probably two of my all time favorite people. David, Bobby and Jeff all grew up together so they have been best friends since before they remember. And when David brought Jasmine around, we begged David to not screw it up. She was not only beautiful, she was incredible sweet and smart and you could tell she had a great spirit about her. David himself is a catch, don't get me wrong. But when someone you love and have grown up with, meets someone you instantly fall in love with, you tend to be their biggest fans. 

And now they are getting married and Bobby and Jeff are groomsmen, and Charlotte (Jeff and Becca's daughter) is their flower girl and Brody is their ring bearer and I couldn't be more thrilled or excited for this wedding on New Years. 

I didn't get many photos from the shower cause I was so busy being host and keeping an eye on my child. But I did happen to get a few of the food Becca and I prepared/bought. Becca made two different cakes and chocolate chip cookies and brought the most beautiful flower arrangements. I made my queso and Bobby made his guacamole. We got tamales from The Tamale Company and ordered chicken and beef quesadillas from this Mexican restaurant down the street. We had different flavored popcorn and beer and wine and the football game going. It was like one big party. 

Brody of course was the hit with the women. His game was on point when he saw Jasmine's friends sitting around my couch. 

David and Jasmine,
Besides you two and maybe your families, I am so excited for this wedding. I am so excited to see the two of you become husband and wife and start this journey together. Being married is one of the most special beautiful things you go through in life and finding that one person to walk through it with you, is a gift from God. 
Love one another * Forgive one another * Talk to one another * Always ask each others permission * Hold hands as often as you can * Have lots of sex (because your married now) * Tell each other I love you as often as you feel it * And never ever forget that you are in this not only together, but with God and it is God that will lead you where you both need to go, TOGETHER. 

Love your most favorite person, Dani 

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