Thursday, October 12, 2017

Vegetarian/Vegan Part 2

Dear Diary,

So on Tuesday, I spoke about becoming vegetarian/vegan but I didn't really give a reason why. Well here it is.

Over the past couple of months it is something I have been thinking about. I have never been a really big meat lover (besides cow, pig and sushi) and even the ones I did like, I was extremely picky on them. Then I had a friend who went vegan but never really promoted it. Something in her Instastory feed caught my attention so I questioned her on it. She told me her dad was diagnosed with stage 2 lymphoma (a blood cancer) and he changed the way he ate (by going vegan). When he was originally diagnosed, he was supposed to have 8 chemo treatments. He ended up only having to have 5. He believes the reason is because of his diet change. So her diet changed. She does the 80/20 rule where is she eats 80% vegan and the other 20% is for cravings/out with friends/ etc. 

So after I heard all of this, Bobby saw a documentary on Netflix called What The Health. We randomly chose to watch it that evening. That is what sealed the deal for me. I never in my life thought my husband would be on board with me. He ate chicken/meat with almost every meal. But after seeing this documentary, it changed the way he felt. This documentary shines a light on where we get our meat from and how it is processed. It is extremely disturbing and made me feel so sick. It talks about diary and eggs as well. It also has interviews with doctors, scientist, real life people about how vegan has changed their way of life and the side effects from certain things. It talks about diabetes and obesity. It talks about how food is processed in the body and what goes where. It is seriously mind blowing!
There are a few things the film does talk about that I didn't quite agree with if I am being honest. One of them was about eggs and cigarettes but you have to use your own judgment and do your own research. Like this article right here

But how can watching a one sided documentary make you do this? 

Because I have wanted to do this for a while now, a really long time if I am being truly honest with myself. I just never knew the facts. I never took the time to research where my food came from and it wasn't until the documentary that I started looking into it. 

I wanna give you some quick facts about myself (and Bobby) that I have noticed in the past 2 and 1/2 weeks: 
-I had constant elbow pain from CrossFit and carrying Brody. I don't have it anymore. 
-I feel stronger at the gym now and I have noticed I am breathing better when I work out.
-I have Hashimoto's Disease (a thyroid condition) which normally makes me feel extremely tired and run down. I don't anymore. I do still take my morning pill to help control it, but I have noticed a change in the way I feel in these last weeks.
-My skin was breaking out everywhere. Including my neck and back. It's gone. 
-I have lost 5 pounds because instead of focusing on protein so much, I am focusing on fiber.
-I have never felt more aware of what I eat. I haven't had fast food and haven't craved it either. 
-Bobby is stronger. He hit a PR for dumbbell lifts the other day. Now he might tell you he isn't sure if its the diet or not, but I find it very odd that after he stops eating meat, he is able to workout better and stronger.
-Bobby has always had a gas problem (he would kill me for telling you that). He doesn't anymore. Now, he is a man and men fart but it isn't nearly as bad or frequent and that to me is a win. 
-Every time he would go to the doctor, they would tell him he had high cholesterol. Which is super odd because he is seriously one the healthiest eaters (or so we thought). He goes back next week and I am so curious as to what they say. I will keep you updated on that. 

I am not here to tell you to go vegan or vegetarian. I would never try to tell you what to do. I am only telling you what I know and the facts that I am seeing. A lot of people think I am doing this to save the animals and a part of me is. The way they are slaughtered, the way that they live is just disgusting but the main reason I did this was for myself. To try to make myself the best I can be. This doesn't mean I won't eat meat again, I told you that on Tuesday. This is just bringing awareness to where you get the meat from. What it does to your health. I am sure a lot of you won't agree with me and that is totally fine. What you do for yourself and your family is what you choose. 

Even if you don't believe in this, even if you think it's a bunch of the documentary. Educate yourself on where your grocery store meat comes from. Where your meat market meat comes from. Don't be afraid to ask questions. 

I have only been doing this for a little over 2 weeks so I will keep you updated on us and this. If you notice a few changes to the blog (like my Five on Friday or what I promote) don't be surprised. I won't rub it in your face or tell you what to do. Pinkie Promise. 

Love, Me

p.s. the interview I have is with my friends dad but it is so good and kinda long that I am saving that for next week.
p.s.s. WATCH WHAT THE HEALTH and make your own assessment.

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