Friday, June 16, 2017

Five on Friday- Father's Day Edition

You didn't think I would let it be almost Father's Day and not do one for my Hero did you? 

one. Dad
He's my dad. He is always there for me. He knows what I need to hear and when I need to hear it. He is my hero from the day I was born. I understand him like no other. He was at every softball game and was at every recital. He never missed a beat with me. I am his girl and I take great pride in that. He is the best dad in the world. 

two. Pop
A name he loves. A name is cherishes. My dad as a father is amazing. My dad as a grandfather, is beyond the stars. He LOVES his grand-babies. He is the type that will take over when you need a break. He doesn't care if he has to hold them for 2 hours to make them feel comfortable, he just does it. It amazes me every time I see them with him. He's the first to volunteer to help out with them. He makes them laugh and spoils them!

three. Dogs
My family loves dogs. It's just in us from day one to. My dad takes it to a whole other level of loveness for dogs. He has never met a dog he didn't love and a dog has never met my dad and not loved him. If he could adopt every dog in the world, he would. He's comfortable around them, he spoils them and loves them like no other. It is a special trait my dad has. 

four. Provider
I remember growing up and dad having multiple jobs to support us. Mom took care of us emotionally and at home, and dad made sure we had that home and food. Mom worked some (don't want to not give her credit) but it was always Dad I admired in the business world. I loved watching him work. He never complained to us about having to provide for us. He just did. He just believed that God would always provide and worked to help that and give Kara and I a great life. 

five. Love
His love for his girls is like no other. He is his happiest when his girls are with him (Mom included). He takes great pride in being a girl dad. He says its made him a better man because of it. He rolls his eyes and gets quiet when talk about girl things and he can never get a word in when it's the four of us but he doesn't care. He just stands there and smiles. You ask him what his favorite thing in the world would be his girls! 

I also asked my sister her top 5 reasons she loves my dad and those were:
*He calls everyone by a nickname
*He defends Tim no matter what and loves him like a son
*He is the biggest animal lover
*He loves Disney World more than anyone I know
*He's never met a souvenir shop he can't walk into

I also asked my mom her reasons:
*He is her soft place to land
*He is her biggest cheerleader
*She loves how his happy place is when he's with his family
*He never complains about providing for his family, growing up and now
*He always thinks that she is the best thing that happened to him

Landry said: Because he's my Pop and he spoils me! He's the best pop in the universe and I never want him to change!
Hayden said: He gives me my super hero vitamins in the morning.

Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you so very much and I hope you always know that!

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