Monday, July 18, 2016

26 hours + 30 mintues + 45 seconds

On Friday, Brody and I drove to my mom's house to hang out for a bit. We were going to swim but because of the rain and overcast, we decided to go get some lunch instead. The main reason I went over to my mom's was to pick up a very special girl and bring her home for the night. 

This very special girl is Landry Kate Smith. Ever since her birthday this year, I have promised her a night at my house but with Brody, school and schedules, this was the first Friday I could do it. 

As soon as we got to my house she made a beeline to my dogs! Dash doesn't get the attention he craves so he was all about Landry. Then they played in Brody's ball pit for hours. A few hours later she went to Crossfit with me. She did some of the workout with me and loved it. Then I took her dinner, just her and I. 

After we got back home, it was time to start settling down and go to bed. I got her ready, turned her tv on, came back an hour later and she was out. When I woke the next morning, she was quietly sitting on the couch playing her kindle like she was instructed to do so from her momma. I told her Brody was up and we would go get donuts. When Brody went down for his morning nap, Bobby told her he would take her on the golf cart. She had the best time.

Then after he woke, we got some lunch and she wanted all of us to ride on the cart. She thought it was so funny how Brody got to "drive" the cart. After that, Uncle Bobby turned the sprinklers on for her and Brody and they played. Then it was time to swing and push him in his car. 

Then it was time to get in the pool. At about that time, Brody started getting super fussy and I knew it was nap time. So I told her she needed to change her clothes and go to the room she was staying in so I could put him down. So that's what she did. After I got him down, not gonna lie, I went to my room for some peace and quiet. I just laid there. Then after about 10 mins, I went in the room with her and laid down with her. It took about 5 minutes and we were all asleep. Dogs included. Then we got up, got ready to meet the family for dinner and left. We had a yummy dinner at Joe T. Garcia's in Fort Worth. 

If I am being honest, I don't know how you mom's do it with 2+ kids. I was exhausted and she was super easy. Just having to keep both entertained and thinking about what each needs made my mind go crazy. Bravo to all of you out there with multiple kids. 

Things I have learned about her: 

  • Living with her daddy the past 7 years, you learn how to fold clothes she told me. 
  • She turned up her nose when I asked her if she has a boyfriend. 
  • She wants to get into volleyball.
  • She loves to draw. 
  • Hayden wakes her every morning at 5am to turn the tv on. 
  • Bobby asked her why she ask so many questions to which she responded, she doesn't know a lot so that's why she ask. 
  • She went home and told her mom I said the word crap to which her mom responded, if that was the worst word Ninny said in front of you we are good. #pottymouth 
  • She remembers everything, like everything. She kept bringing up memories that I had to seriously ponder on. 
  • She's 7 going on 16. 
  • She likes to brag at things she good at (like beating me in the running at CrossFit)(hello girlfriend, I was carrying a 14lbs wall ball and you're 7, I would hope you would beat me)!
  • She talks A LOT! 
  • She reminds me so much of my sister growing up. I felt like I was 5 again with her. 

I love you girly. You talk nonstop and have so much on your mind. You're so sweet, caring and really are a good child. You love with all your heart and are such a good helper with Brody. When he was losing it in the pool, you did your best to distract him. I love being with you and I love hearing your thoughts on things. Cause God know's you have a lot of thoughts on things. Thank you for coming to spend the 26 hours, 30 minutes and 45 seconds with us. 

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