Friday, July 15, 2016

Five on Friday- Galveston Edition

 one. Babes in hats and America diapers 
When Angie, Kristen and I all realized we brought the same American diapers from The Honest Company, we knew we needed a photo shoot. Angie brought these hats from Target that the boys wore and Billie wore her momma's hat. This picture might look easy but it was hard getting them to sit there. it was just my kid who had the problem sitting there cause Jace is the perfect baby and Billie was old enough to understand. There are some cute out-takes I might share on another day. 

two. My family
We are always so worried that when we take a photo, Brody isn't looking or smiling. And everytime I go look back on them, he is perfectly sitting there. During the photoshoot, we think he is acting up and not paying attention but he was. Debbie got this shot for us and I have to say it is one of my favorite pictures of us 3. His smile, his blue blue eyes and those dimples are just everything to me. 

three. Pop and the babes 
This pretty much sums up Pop with the kids. He always threatens them by telling them if they don't act right he is going to make them watch old westerns with him, in black and white. They always scream "Noooooooo not black and white!" (can we say spoiled 2016 kids). I was so glad we got him to take a photo with them this year and Billie Marie couldn't have said it more perfect. She runs the show y'all, these boys don't stand a chance. 

 four. Grammy and the babes
Last year we got the best photo of Debbie with Colton, Kent and Billie and we knew this year we needed to get another one with the 2 additions. Debbie is always behind the camera so for us to get one of her is rare. I love my mother in law so very much. She is incredibly kind and would do anything for her family. These kiddos don't realize just yet how lucky they are! 

five. Before and After
Angie had this brilliant idea we take an after photo of the one we did last year of us pregnant, except show off the end result. I was 36 weeks and Angie was 20 weeks. I didn't realize that when I posted this photo, how many likes I would receive on Instagram. We are up to 927 likes and we were the top liked photo on the #ellentv page. 

Don't forget to go follow Amber Massey and her blog PB&J and check out her Five on Friday. This was her idea of a blog post that I love so much and decided to do it myself. 

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