Friday, June 24, 2016

Five on Friday

So there's this blog I follow (ok stalk) and she does this thing on Friday's called Five on Friday. It's five things she is loving or has loved or using or eating, etc for that week. It is one of my favorite things to go read. The blog is called PB&J Babes and her name is Amber Massey. Y'all....if you aren't following her blog, you need to. Let alone for this, but because she has 3 of the cutest little girls on the planet and she is always sharing food recipes and where she shops. 

Anyways. I thought I would take a stab at this Five on Friday. 

One. Brody in a life jacket
Swim safety is huge priority for me. When he is in his little swim pool, we don't put him in it. No need. But when he is in the big pool or when we go to the beach, it will be a must when he's near the water. I didn't realize how freaking adorable he would look in one. My mother in law got this photo and Oh Lord, I have looked at it everyday! 

I have had one almost everyday for the past 2 weeks. If I venture out of the house, I usually stop. I bought a large see-through cup from them 2 weeks ago as well and that's what I drink it out of. If you haven't tried cold brew yet, try it. Because A) it's awesome, B) it's super hot outside, and C) the vanilla sweet cream just makes it 10x more delicious. I always get a few shots more of the cream to make it super creamy.  

Three. 1st Birthday Party
Planning Brody's first birthday is in full swing. We have the place, what we want to eat, what dessert he will eat, the guestlist. All I need to do is get his 1st birthday pictures taken (doing it on the beach), get an invitation made and ship them. Luckily I have a husband who has an imagination and who doesn't mind planning stuff with me because I think I would have lost my mind already if I had to do this by myself. 

Four. Meal prepping
Ever since I started Swink Sweat, I have been doing my best to eat better. It took some time but I have slowly been able to take out the junk and move in the healthy stuff. On Sunday's, Bobby meal preps for us. He makes me 3 dinners for the nights I do my workout. It is a protein of some kind, a veggie and then either a potato or some sort of starch/carb. It makes dinners easy and healthy. The nights I am home, he cooks fresh dinners for us. 

Five. Orange is the New Black
So yeah.....whole season has been officially watched. Since I am the type to read the back of the book first, I know a lot of you are not so I will not share any details or give anything away. I will just say I love Lolly. I cried on episode 12. The last scene was so intense. I now know how to kill someone and dismember the body (so don't mess with me). I mean it did just come out a week ago, I'm sure most of you are almost done watching it correct? 

Have a great weekend! 

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