Thursday, January 18, 2018

A few changes

Dear Diary,

You might have seen I have not been blogging everyday these past weeks and it's because life is just so hectic and crazy and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon. So with said, there will be a few changes. 

~Pregnancy update will be every two weeks now. Not that I wouldn't love a weekly photo, it just gets to difficult to take them and by the time I remember, it's to late. So if I can do it every other week, it will be easier to maintain. And honestly, not much is changing in the week by week so doing it every two weeks seems more info worthy. 

~Five on Friday's will be the same unless something comes up and I can't get to it. 

~Dear Diary will now be no set day. It will just be whatever day I am feeling. 

~I will try to do the movie blog once a month still. I wasn't able to do it for January (there were only like 4 movies anyways) and I apologize for that. Sometimes life has other plans and we can't do anything about it. 

~I love my shop small or deal of days so if anything pops up, or if there is a shop small you want me to feature, please let me know. Supporting each other is something I try to do. I have an incredible shop small lined up at the end of this month that I can't wait to share with you all. 

~I won't be blogging everyday anymore. With Brooklynn coming in May, I am preparing myself for it and one of those things is blogging an average of 3 days a week. It is still something I LOVE and want to do, I just don't want to commit to an everyday blog anymore. 

I thank you all for taking the time out of your day to come read this. To keep up with me and my crazy life. If you ever have any questions or want to be featured or have something you want me to share, please never hesitate to ask me!

Love, Me

Also, this has been my life lately. Eating the most random things on one plate! 

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