Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Her name

So yesterday was all about finding out it was girl but I didn't say the name or explain why the name. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you might have seen her name already so it's no secret. 

Her name is going to be Brooklynn Marjorie Lewis. 

For as long as I can remember, if I was ever going to have a girl her name was going to be Brooke Lynn. Two separate names. My mom's middle name is Lynn and so is mine and I knew I wanted hers to be. And Brooke was always a name I loved and one of my favorite TV characters was named Brooke (Sophia Bush on One Tree Hill) so that was it. Then when I married Bobby, Brooke Lynn Lewis was going to be perfect. 

Then we got pregnant and it was boy. So Brooke was off the table. 

Then we got pregnant again and before we knew the sex, Bobby's grandmother Honey died. Her name was Marjorie. My mom's mom's (Maw-Maw) name was Marjorie as well and she died back in 2002 (she is also my guardian angel and a major part of my tattoo). My Marjorie died 11-12-02 and Bobby's Marjorie died 11-13-17, almost 15 years to the day apart. So after Honey died something inside me felt the calling to use Marjorie for both of our grandmothers. But I didn't want to get rid of the Lynn. It is such a part of me and my mom and I wanted it for her. So I combined Brooke and Lynn and here we are. So if you ever spell her name, make sure it has 2 n's! And if she ever wants to go by Brooke, she can. I know I might call her that for short but just knowing her real name is Brooklynn, is all that matters to me. 

Brooklynn Marjorie Lewis will always know where her name comes from and will hold the spirit of our two beautiful grandmothers. Two women who meant so much to me and so much to our families. This is also the last grand-baby for each side so that makes it even more special to me. 

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