Tuesday, June 21, 2016

46 weeks

How old? 46 weeks

Likes? Blueberries. So this is a LOVE for him. 

Hates? Sitting in a high chair (other than the one at home) and not being able to get to one of us. We went out for dinner for Father's Day and I put Brody in between myself and Landry and Bobby sat to my left. Brody wasn't having it. He kept trying to get out to get to Bobby. We realized that he needs to sit between us so he has both of us there. Bobby calls him the boy in the bubble and it makes me laugh because he kind of is right now. 

Milestones this week? Walking with a blanket. Let me explain.....so I saw a few articles about getting your child accustomed to walking by themselves, you take a blanket (strong and sturdy and long) and you place it under their arms and then stand up and allow them to get their feeting and then let them walk/pull you. But they have the comfort of knowing that you are there for them but it helps get them on the right path of taking their own steps (see his picture this week). He loved it. We went all over the house. I love it because it doesn't pull on his arms and it didn't pull on my back. 

Sleeping? Great this week. He has been waking up in the middle of the night some but he has one tooth on top almost in and I think thats it. When this one comes in that will make 8 teeth visible. 

Eating? He tried crescent rolls this week and loved them. He tried hibachi food and loved that. 

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