Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter weekend with the Lewis side

Over the weekend we had Easter with the Lewis side. Yes, I know Easter is this weekend but with everyone having 2 families to try to work with, we moved the Lewis side to Saturday. But this year, we moved it a week early. Not sure why but didn't care. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining warmly. Bobby's whole family, including his aunt and uncle and their children/grandchildren came over to the house. Bobby and I have a really large backyard with lots of trees and hiding spots. Perfect for hiding eggs. Matt made whole chickens, everyone else made a side or dessert, and after we ate, it was time to hunt eggs. I don't know who has more fun, the kids or the adults. We buy confetti eggs every year and Kent and I decided to have an egg fight once they were done finding all the eggs. Colton got in on the action and they teamed up against me. I had confetti in my hair for hours. It wasn't until I washed my hair did they all come out. 

Weston and Brody playing the ball pit. This ball pit was a hit with all the kids. Everyone of them was in it at some part of the day. We had a ball fight which was fun. 

Brody and Honey. Honey will just stand and stare at Brody. She loves his face. And he loves hers. I love Honey so very much. She is a very special lady to me. 

 The food! This chicken was amazing. There were 2 large pans of these. It could feed a small army or the Lewis clan, one in the same. 

Sweet Jace

Time to go outside and hunt eggs! 

All the babies. 
Billie Marie, Kent, Brody, Jace and Colton
Weston and Loralei

Pinata time! 

Confetti egg fight time! 

Favorite pictures from the weekend? 
I have two. One being me and my oldest boys. I try really hard to be the cool aunt, the aunt who lets you do anything and everything (without killing yourself), the aunt who doesn't care if you eat cookies before dinner, the aunt that lets you smash confetti eggs on her head and doesn't yell at you to clean it up. So when these boys gave me a super big hug and kiss after our confetti egg fight, I thought I was going to break down in tears. These boys seriously have the kindest, largest hearts and I love them to no end. Even though it looks like I am breast feeding Colton, it still is my favorite picture! 

My second favorite photo might make a few of you question my parenting. Or who I let kidnap my son for a few minutes. Don't blame me for this....blame Uncle Billy! This is what happens when you leave Uncle Billy alone with your kid. You get photos sent to you of your son holding a Coors Light beer bottle. All I could do was laugh, and every time I see this photo I laugh. And if you think for one second Brody tried this drink, you would be mistaken. Uncle Billy might be super crazy but he isn't a bad uncle. 

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