Wednesday, February 4, 2015

She's the reason I decided to have children of my own!

Lord, I am already crying before I have even started writing this blog. I can't believe I am about to say this but Landry Kate Smith is 6 today. 6! How did this happen? I mean, I know how this happened but why can't time just slow down a tad so I can see this slowly pass before my eyes.
I don't even know where to start. You all know being an aunt is one of the biggest joys in my life. My kiddos (and yes, I call them mine because I would do anything and everything for them and love them to no end) mean everything to me. Even with this baby coming, they will always remain like this in my heart and it all started with one little look from a baby named Landry. From the moment I held Landry, we have had this special bond. She was and still is my girl. She's the one that named me Ninny and still calls me that and is teaching Hayden it. Landry is smart and I don't just say that cause I am her aunt. She has surpassed all the other kids in her class with her reading, her memory is as sharp as a tack and she constantly surprises me with her wit. She can remember things none of the rest of us do. She makes me laugh and she loves to get a laugh. When she first walks into a room, she is very shy, like I was. It takes her a good 5-10 minutes to really warm up to the situation she is in. But once the ice is broken, you can't get her to be quiet for anything. She is a talker, like her mother. She has a huge imagination. She likes to color and Kara finds her name written on everything, like I use to do. She also finds stickers stuck to everything. As much of a girl as she is, she is probably one of the toughest kids I know. The older she gets, I have noticed, it is slowly wearing off and her little girl side is coming out. She's dramatic and can go from happy to sad back to happy in the blink of an eye. She will always tell you she is Pop's girl. (hence why she said she thought I was having a boy because she wanted to remain Pop's girl for just a little bit longer even though she doesn't realize Pop has 3 other women in his life that mean just as much as she does). The past 6 years she has made my life so happy. She has the kindest heart and when she wants to be, very sweet. She is stubborn like me and opinionated like me, but I don't find them bad traits. I find them independent traits, which all little girls should have. Kara said she wants to play tee-ball which is close to my heart, since I played softball for 10 years. I just hope she is catcher like I was. Lord knows she built for it. Looking back on the moments I have had with her, it just makes me thank my God for it all.





Landry Kate Smith,
I love you so very much. Words can not even being to describe what you mean to me. You make me laugh, you make me smile and I love how you are my girl. I hope the older you get, the bond that we share only stays as strong. Happy Birthday pretty girl and do me a favor, slow down on the aging. You are growing up way to fast.
Love, Ninny

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