Monday, July 11, 2016

11 months old

How old? 11 months and 6 days

Weight? 26 pounds (98 percentile)

Length? 31 inches (95 percentile)

Likes? Swimming, water, the beach, fruit. riding forwards in a shopping cart, Po (his polar bear), himself, drinking from a coffee mug, his awesome robe I got him, riding in the golf cart. The golf cart is prolly his favorite thing this month. Bobby will just take him around when he's upset and it automatically calms him. He loves being outside and with his daddy so it's a win for him. 

Dislikes? Being left out, being put down 

Eating? String cheese, fruit, rolls. He has gotten a little picky this month but I think it's because of his teeth. Only soft foods and things he can eat on his own. He loves sucking watermelon juice from the actual watermelon. I put a piece on a fork, hand it to him and he just sucks away. Then when the juice is all gone, he eats it and we start all over. 

Sleeping? This month has been off and on. When he sleeps good, he sleeps good! But when he doesn't, it is awful. Through the night he is great, it's naps I am talking about. 

Awake? He is a mover and a shaker and likes to be on the go. I can never call this child lazy. 

Milestones? Climbing up and down stairs. Walking. He isn't very good at it but he has figured it out. He would much rather crawl places but he laughs at himself when he walks. I think once he gets the hang of it, he will really love it. He has also learned to climb up on things. He is so tall for his age so I have to be really careful where I leave him. He is adventurous and doesn't mind exploring. I am always on guard with him. 

Anything new? Just planning a first birthday party! 

How's Mom and Dad? Great. He keeps us on our toes for sure but we love it. 

How's Dash and Bullet? These 3 are just the best of friends. Brody and Bullet more than Brody and Dash but I think Dash is slowly loving Brody. 

Photo dump...
Don't forget to follow The Adventures Of Brody and Bullet on Instagram

 Kent is one of the best kids in the world. And I am not just saying that because he's my nephew. The whole time he was in the water with Brody, he took care of him. Brody went under once and Kent grabbed him and stood him up and said "You're ok Brody" in the sweetest voice. He is a great influence for Brody. 

 I mean come cute are they! Little Momma in the middle runs the show if you didn't already know. 

 My boys!

 We love Landry!!

 I told Bobby that the next 16 years are going to fly by for us. That before I know it, he will actually be able to drive me somewhere. 

 When we see Pop, we give kisses! 

His smile just brightens my whole day

 So Brody has this thing he does with me. The reason I know it's just with me is because I have asked other people who hold him if he does it with them and they say no. So I hold him on my left side, with my hand tucked under his thigh. So my thumb sticks out. He automatically grabs my thumb and holds it the whole time I am carrying him. When we went on our golf cart ride before vacation, I happened to look down and saw him clinging to Bobby's thumb like he does mine and it just melted my heart. 

 I loved that Brody got to spend some time with Jace. They are 3 months apart and couldn't be any different from each other. Jace is what I call The Most Perfect Baby. He doesn't cry a lot, he's laid back, he can sit and play for hours, he sleeps good. He's just the ideal baby. And then there's my kid. My oversized, spoiled rotten, kind hearted, doesn't realize how much bigger he is, kid. So for him to be around Jace is good for Brody in learning some things. Like sharing, and not grabbing at faces, or sitting on him. 

Favorite photo this month? 
There is 3 this month. 
Brody got in trouble for the first time. I don't spank him or hit his hand because I don't see the point in it at such a young age. He doesn't understand just yet and until he hits a year, it's just a lot of no no's. Well I think he is understanding it. He doesn't like when I say No Brody or Stop Brody or I make a uh-uh sound. So when I caught him after he knocked over the powdered sugar, all I could do was laugh at these photos. Like Oh No, she sees me. I'm in TROUBLE! Ahhhhhhhhhhh

 This was the father's day picture I posted of them. Bobby seriously is the best dad in the world. Just come be around him for a few mintues and you will understand what I mean. 

Jace, Billie and Brody. Honest company diapers. Hats from Target. 50 photos later. It only takes one. Happy Birthday America.

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